Course Description

In this workshop, we will examine simultaneous interpreting from the perspective of the court and conference settings. We will discuss similarities and differences between the two methods, especially when it comes to delivery of the message, and will then implement conference interpreting techniques while using court interpreting materials for rigorous, hands-on exercises that will help give you the tools to render more professional and confident simultaneous interpretations.

Athena Matilsky

Athena Matilsky has a Master's in Conference Interpreting from Glendon College, York University, and a BA in Spanish Interpretation and Translation. Through internship programs, specialized coursework and hours of self-study, she became a Certified Healthcare Interpreter, passed the NJ Spanish and French court interpreting exams, and achieved certification as a Federal Court Interpreter. She was a full-time staff interpreter for the NJ judiciary in Trenton for three years and was also editor-in-chief of NAJIT’s publication, Proteus. Currently, she is in Montreal working as a conference interpreter and interpreter trainer. When she is not working on her interpreting, you may find her studying French or practicing Acro yoga.

Course curriculum

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