Course Description

Deepen your understanding of weapons and the specialized terminology used to describe them in this overview of firearms, blades, blunt objects, and more. Agustin de la Mora will guide students through the common classifications and components of these weapons, as well as the language that may surround them in context in legal settings.

Agustin de la Mora

Agustín Servin de la Mora is the president of DE LA MORA Institute of Interpretation. He was born and raised in Mexico City, Mexico, and has been a professional freelance and staff interpreter for the last 28 years. He is one of the Supervisor Raters for the National Center for State Courts and has been a lead rater for the federal and consortium oral exams for court interpreters. He was the lead interpreter for the Ninth Judicial Circuit for over a decade, served as member of the Project Advisory Committee responsible for the creation of the National Standards for Healthcare Interpreter Training Programs for the NCIHC. He was a member of the Florida Court Interpreter Certification Board and a voting member of the Technical Committee of the National Consortium for Interpreter Certification. He is a state and federally certified court interpreter, as well as a certified medical interpreter. He has been a consultant for the Administrative Offices of the State Courts, conducting orientation seminars and advanced skills workshops for interpreters in at least 15 states. He has been featured as a speaker and presenter in several national conventions, including those of NAJIT, ATA, IMIA, and NASCA.

Course curriculum

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