New Mexico: How Bilingual Are You?
Interpreter Skill Building Webinar
This interactive webinar kicks off with an introduction to Language Acquisition at distinct stages in life from childhood through adulthood. The presenter will thoroughly examine the various levels of register from a linguistic point of view (childhood, social and educated) focusing on the Spanish<>English language pair. The instructor will then introduce the INTERAGENCY LANGUAGE ROUNDTABLE (IRL) and explain the IRL Language Proficiency Guidelines which are accepted by all federal government agencies and used as a primary reference in different government tests of language ability. Using the IRL scale, participants will complete a retrospective self-evaluation of the four (4) language skills areas: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking in both English and the non-English language. Individual findings will be shared with the group. During the final discussion, participants will strategize on how to bridge their particular “language gaps” and become balanced bilinguals.
**Please note this self-paced course is not currently approved for New Mexico CEUs.
Karen Borgenheimer
Webinar Description
How Bilingual Are You? - Webinar and Resources
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