New Mexico: Introduction to Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Guarantees
Interpreter Skill Building Webinar
Have you ever wondered why a Gerstein report is called a Gerstein report, and what it is for? Not sure about the difference between proceeding on information and insisting on indictment? Would you like to better understand the basics of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments as relates to the flow of criminal cases through the courts? Then come check out this two-hour introductory webinar on Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Guarantees, where you’ll follow the path of a fictional defendant through proceedings in his federal felony matter. We’ll use federal law as a touchstone for our discussion of criminal procedure and the Constitution, but also will explore how some aspects of criminal procedure may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, explaining where state courts for constitutional or other reasons operate the same as federal courts, and where they might differ.
This will be a language-neutral webinar, with legal terms of art highlighted and explained for you to use in the building of your own glossaries. Your instructor is Tamber Hilton, Esq., a federally certified Spanish interpreter and immigration attorney currently practicing in Tucson, Arizona.
**Please note this self-paced course is not currently approved for New Mexico CEUs.
Tamber Hilton
Webinar Description
Intro to Criminal Procedure - Webinar and Resources
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