Course Description

In this course we will review some basic uses of Chinese words in practical applications. Some typical, common, and easily misused types of words are discussed throughout the course.

What you will learn

  • Commendatory term vs. derogatory term

  • Generalized words vs. Narrowly defined words

  • Ordinal number vs. Cardinal number

  • Spoken language vs. written language

  • Transliterated words

  • A brief introduction of the use of 的,得,地

Who should attend

This course is for interpreters with a basic knowledge of the Chinese language and understands Mandarin.

Skill Level: Foundational     Language: Chinese, Mandarin     Specialization: All

Paul Yuan

Paul Yuan is a native Chinese speaker, holding a master’s degree in Engineering from a U.S. university, and worked as a senior engineer in the industries of semiconductor equipment manufacturing, optical fibers application, and laser device manufacturing for about 10 years. From 2002 to 2009, he worked as a bilingual liaison officer for a U.S. company developing business in China. Since 2010 he has worked as an interpreter for many Chinese groups on their business visits and training programs in the U.S. Currently, he is a member of National Language Service Corp, a language consultant for Department of Defense and Department of Justice, a subject matter expert providing bilingual services to National Center for State Courts, DE LA MORA Institute, and others.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

    • A message from the instructor

    • Resources

  • 2


    • Section 1

    • Section 2

    • Section 3

    • Section 4

    • Section 5

    • Section 6

    • Section 7

  • 3


    • Instructions

    • Quiz

    • Feedback Survey

Student Access

Student access on this platform is limited the same as if attending a live class.

  • Our 40 hour courses include 6 months of access. All other courses can be accessed for 3 months.

  • We want to help you get the most out of our classes. If you need additional time please contact us.

  • 407-677-4155

  • [email protected]