The State Exam Success Kit is a comprehensive tool for interpreters of all languages and levels to hone their skills and prepare for the State Court Oral Certification Exam and the State English Written Proficiency Exam. The kit is made complete by a series of informative videos that explain the exam process, expectations, and exam content, and provide helpful breakdowns of subjects and topics covered. Additionally, the kit includes a set of carefully-designed exercises that reinforce our intentional practice approach and the importance of honest self-assessment to build your skill level as an interpreter. The kit is available in Spanish/English or in Language-Neutral format (for interpreters of all languages).

This course is for the Oral Exam Overview ONLY for all languages.

Oral Exam Overview and Set of Exercises

Prepare for the state oral certification exam with an in-depth overview and high quality exercises.

  • Video lectures that break down oral exam expectations, how state exams are rated, and how to improve your performance as an interpreter

  • Exercises in all 3 modes designed to precisely mimic the testing standards, rating conventions, and format of the state court oral exam. Included are two sight translation exercises, one consecutive exercise, and one simultaneous exercise – all based off on real court proceedings and documents.

Meet the Instructor

Claudia Villalba

Claudia E. Villalba is currently a freelance interpreter and interpreter trainer. She holds a Court Interpreter Federal Certification issued by the U.S. Courts, and a State of Florida Court Interpreter Certification. She is also a NBCMI Certified Medical Interpreter, and is Qualified by the Department of Justice to interpret in immigration courts. She has over 25 years of experience working as an interpreter in diverse types of cases. She achieved Master Level approval while she worked for 10 years for the New Jersey Judiciary as a staff interpreter, and subsequently as the supervising court interpreter for the County of Middlesex. For 11 years she was the supervising court interpreter for the 7th Judicial Circuit in the State of Florida. She is a subject matter expert for interpreter certification bodies at both the state and the federal level.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to the State Exam Success Kit

  • 2

    Instruction Videos

    • Introduction to the Exam

    • How Tests are Rated

    • How to Use This Self-Evaluation Kit

    • Rating Your Performance

    • Identify and Plan Your Performance Improvement

  • 3

    Oral Exercise Materials Set

    • Self-Assessment Practice

  • 4

    Post Lecture Review

    • Feedback Survey

Student Access

Student access on this platform is limited the same as if attending a live class.

  • Our 40 hour courses include 6 months of access. All other courses can be accessed for 3 months.

  • We want to help you get the most out of our classes. If you need additional time please contact us.

  • 407-677-4155

  • [email protected]