Stages of a Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Case
For SOSi interpreters
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), best interests of the child, and abuse/abandonment/neglect: what does it all mean? In this class, participants will learn about the stages of a Special Immigrant Juvenile Status case, how to interpret the terms, and practice several parts of an in-court adjustment of status merits hearing.
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2.5 CEUs: CO, OH, OK, OR, TN, TX, WA, WI (Other states pending approval)
Students can individually apply for CEUs in the following states by submitting all necessary information: DE, IA, KY, MD, MI, MS, NE
Don't see your state? Contact us!
(407) 677-4155 | email: [email protected]
Andrew Bahr
Webinar Description
Stages of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Case - Webinar and Resources
Final Quiz
Final Quiz
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